DISCLAIMER: Don’t try this at home (Sheila Thelen)

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Crazy Minnesota figure skating coach Sheila Thelen demonstrates an uncommon skill that you should probably just avoid doing yourself. Disclaimer: iCoachSkating.com does not recommend the activities shown in this video. Use common sense and stay safe at all times! This video is provided for entertainment purposes only. (Professional driver on closed course…well, not really.)
Yes, people really do this (at least in Minnesota), although it’s not recommended.
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Jackie Lol. This is hilarious. Love your tips, tricks & quirks as always, Sheila!
Debi Only Sheila!
Nancy LOL! Sheila, hmmm I don't think it's probably legal... Maybe in Minnesota where there are MANY crazy skating coaches!! Thanks for the chuckle!
Dan R Sheila, I kinda thought you were always on the daring side of things and this pretty much confirms that. Your escapades are always good for a chuckle. Glad to see the Custom Riedell skates but I'm not paying the ticket when you get pinched.
Selena Fell off my chair laughing. The straight face she keeps is priceless. "Be sure to check your phone and have a cup of coffee at the same time!"
chris conte hahaha hahaha! The reason nobody in caribou notice is Shela is approaching average height with her skates on:) hahaha! Love you Sheila! cc
Trevor I just knew the "height challenged" comment was going to come up, partly because I was thinking exactly what Chris mentioned while we were filming. Sooo fun!!
JJ Matthews This was wonderful! I have done this many times in Anchorage, AK! Sometimes I hit 4 rinks in a day, and this is a great way to pack in those extra lessons :) great video I am still smiling
Sheila Thelen Note: I was wearing my seatbelt!! Thanks Trevor! This was SO MUCH FUN!! Maybe they'll let me drive the bus at the PSA conference???
Sara I am so glad that I am not the only one who has driven in my skates! I am a little better in my figure skates than my hockey but, yep I've driven the zamboni, cars, and a stick shift in my jeep with my skates on... Actually I'm so short It really helps me when I have to reach the clutch! Go Shelia! ?
Judy A girl after my own heart! What a hoot!! Of course, I can't get away with that funny stunt. My husband is a "Driver Safety " teacher and here in Florida we don't have a snow challenge. We can get coffee at our rink though. Right on Sheila....
Sheila Thelen iCS Video Of The Year?? Hahaha!! I can't believe how many of you have called & texted me - you also drive in your skates!! Tooo funny coaches!!
Scott One of your many talents. Is the air thinner when you wear your skates?
Vivian Cracked me up! :-) Note though that no one stopped and stared at you!
Sheila's Mom Your Mother is Watching! Are ya crazy?!!!
Darin Hosier OMG - you are funny!
Dorothy This is so funny!!! Really cute video
Debbie Allen Actually I have done that between rinks when I lived in Canada. It's like having platform shoes on.
Tammy Sparby Loved this!
Diane Rudnick I love it. Great instruction and technical advice as well!
Sarah That was just awesome!
Molly Heise i cant see the video!!!!! but im still laughing!!
babbette To my surprise, it's legal to drive barefoot in all states; why not skates!